
Sentiment Analysis for E-Commerce Reviews using Twitter Data

Original price was: ₹ 7,500.00.Current price is: ₹ 6,000.00.

Real-time sentiment analysis of political events on Twitter allows us to monitor how people feel about major political events as they happen. By leveraging the Twitter API and sentiment classification models, this project provides real-time insights into public opinion regarding political debates, elections, and policy changes. These insights can be used by political analysts, media outlets, and campaign teams to understand the public’s emotional response to events and to adjust their strategies accordingly.

Develop a packet sniffer with Scapy to capture and inspect HTTPS traffic. Since HTTPS encrypts data, this project will explore how to analyze the metadata and perform SSL/TLS handshake analysis. The project may include SSL decryption methods, certificate validation, and protocol negotiation analysis. The tool will be useful for cybersecurity professionals performing penetration tests or for organizations to ensure the security of their SSL/TLS connections.